
Vaccinology An Essential Guide

Vaccinology : An Essential Guide (epub)

Vaccinology: An Essential Guide outlines in a clear, practical format the entire vaccine development process, from conceptualization and basic immunological principles through to clinical testing and licensing of vaccines With an outstanding introduction to the history and practice of vaccinology, it also guides the reader through the basic science relating to host immune responses to pathogens

Covering the safety, regulatory, ethical, and economic and geographical issues that drive vaccine development and trials, it also presents vaccine delivery strategies, novel vaccine platforms (including experimental vaccines and pathogens), antigen development and selection, vaccine modelling, and the development of vaccines against emerging pathogens and agents of bioterror There are also sections devoted to veterinary vaccines and associated regulatory processes

Vaccinology: An Essential Guide is a perfect tool for designed for undergraduate and graduate microbiologists and immunologists, as well as residents, fellows and trainees of infectious disease and vaccinology It is also suitable for all those involved in designing and conducting clinical vaccine trials, and is the ideal companion to the larger reference book Vaccinology: Principles and Practice

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