The Forbes Quote Bible: Inspiring, Eye-Opening And Motivational Words For Success
For nearly 100 years, Forbes has celebrated innovators and agitators, the big dreamers and behind-the-scenes doers who have transformed the business landscape and with it the lives of billions for the better It’s no secret—people want to know how these billionaires and businesspeople have scaled the heights of industry (and pocketed tidy fortunes at the same time)
The lessons these great entrepreneurs, critics, thinkers and capitalists have left us—and more to the point, the wise sayings and thoughts they’ve shared over the years—are instrumental and invaluable You may not become a billionaire overnight, but you can understand what makes these great men and women tick, and what thoughts, ideals and adages have been central to their success
Take some of these aphorisms to heart, and who knows, you could find your name and saying in the next edition of this humble book of business quotes
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