Global Economic Prospects | World Bank Group | January 2016
Emerging market economies have been an engine of global growth during the 2000s, especially after the 2007-08 global financial crisis However, times are changing Growth rates in several emerging market
economies have been declining since 2010 The global economy will need to adapt to a new period of more modest growth in large emerging markets, characterized by lower commodity prices and
diminished flows of trade and capital This is the message that underlies this issue of the World Bank Group’s Global Economic Prospects
The report offers a detailed outlook for the global economy and each of the world’s emerging market regions It analyzes themes vital to policy makers in emerging markets and elsewhere These include how
the slowdown in major emerging markets affects the rest of the world, including their regions and their neighbors; the potentially far-ranging macroeconomic implications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade accord; and risks and opportunities offered by low commodity prices for low-income countries with recent discoveries of natural gas, oil, metals, and other natural resources The report also examines capital controls and other strategies that countries with different exchange rate regimes can use to better shield themselves from financial turmoil
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