FINANCIAL TIMES Guide to Bond and Money Markets
(Financial Times Series)
This jargon-busting book describes how the bond and money markets work and how they impact on everyday life It assumes no specialised prior knowledge of finance theory and provides an authoritative and comprehensive run-down of the workings of the modern financial system It’s in the money markets where money, or the value of money, can be bought and sold It’s the place where Treasury bills, deposits, repurchase agreements, short-lived mortgages etc, can be traded These are crucial to the global economy because they provide liquidity funding for the global financial system Bond markets operate in the same way but are financial markets where participants can issue new debt or buy and sell existing debt – known as bonds As with money markets, bond markets are key because they provide money where no money previously existed (think of your mortgage)
Using real world examples from media such as the Financial Times, bestselling author Glen Arnold gives an international perspective on these markets
* Understand key bond and money market terms and banking products
* Explore the wide variety of types of markets and their functions eg LIBOR, gilts, government debt
* Gain insight into the main factors influencing prices in the financial markets
* Learn how fluctuations in the money markets can affect you and your own money strategies
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