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Two Cultures The Significance of C P Snow

Two Cultures?: The Significance of C P Snow

In this first annotated edition of F R Leavis’ famous critique of C P Snow’s influential argument about ‘the two cultures’, Stefan Collini reappraises both its literary tactics and its purpose as cultural criticism The edition will enable new generations of readers to understand what was at stake in the dispute and to appreciate the enduring relevance of Leavis’s attack on the goal of economic growth In his comprehensive introduction Collini situates Leavis’s critique within the wider context of debates about ‘modernity’ and ‘prosperity’, not just the ‘two cultures’ of literature and science Collini emphasizes the difficulties faced by the cultural critic in challenging widely-held views and offers an illuminating analysis of Leavis’s style The edition provides full notes to references and allusions in Leavis’s texts

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