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Routledge Handbook of Russian Politics and Society

Routledge Handbook of Russian Politics and Society

There is an ever-burgeoning number of books analyzing the Russian experience, or aspects of it This Handbook is the first single volume which gives both a broad survey of the literature as well as highlighting the cutting edge research in the area Through both empirical data and theoretical investigation each chapter in the Routledge Handbook Russian of Politics and Society examines both the Russian experience and the existing literature, points to research trends, and identifies issues that remain to be resolved

Offering focused studies of the key elements of Russian social and political life, the book is organized into the following broad themes:

General introduction

Political institutions

Political Economy


Foreign Policy

Politically, economically, and socially, Russia has one of the most interesting development trajectories of any major country This Handbook seeks to answer questions about democratic transition, the relationship between the market and democracy, stability and authoritarian politics, the development of civil society, the role of crime and corruption, and the creation of a market economy

Providing a comprehensive resource for scholars and policy makers alike, this book is an important contribution to the study of Russian Studies, Eastern European studies, and International Relations

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