
Mind Over Matter – The Necessity of Metaphysics in

Mind Over Matter – The Necessity of Metaphysics in a Material World (2016)

Since the time of the Enlightenment, religious skepticism and an increased reliance upon empiricism have caused many to adopt a purely naturalistic worldview In recent years, this full-on acceptance of naturalism has even led to the belittling of those who affirm the need for metaphysical agency in our world But is belief in a transcendent being like God simply based on wishful thinking and ignorance? Can every aspect of life and the workings of our universe be reduced to purely naturalistic causes? In Mind over Matter, brothers Brian and Wayne Rossiter take on a variety of arguments that are often thought to pose serious threats-if not outright defeaters-to any belief that stands in opposition to philosophical naturalism Traversing the fields of theology, philosophy, and science, they take these arguments head on, providing a practical and easy to use guide for anyone looking to respond to the toughest and most common objections to religious faith The Rossiters then turn the tables, arguing that belief in transcendent intelligence is not only rational, but is also completely consistent with many of the underlying assumptions made by the most ardent atheists and skeptics

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