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Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science

Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science

The Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science encompasses the refined statistical concepts and techniques that are essential to the advancement in psychology and its ever-widening fields of application
– Providing comprehensive accounts drawn from the huge expansion of statistical methodologies in the behavioral sciences, highlighting new techniques and developments from the past decade
– Up-to-date coverage of developing fields including neuroscience, behavioral genetics, decision learning and cognitive science
– Containing over 600 articles and over 400 contributions from eminent psychologists and statisticians world-wide
– Emphasis on practical, non-technical methods with wide ranging application
– Extensively cross-referenced to ensure fast and accurate access to available information

Representing an invaluable addition to both the psychological and statistical literature, the Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science forms an essential reference work for researchers, educators and students in the fields of applied psychology, sociology, market research, consumer behavior, management science, decision making and human resource management

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