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eCommerce 2016 Business- Technology- Society

eCommerce 2016: Business, Technology, Society

For undergraduate and graduate courses in business Understanding The Vast And Expanding Field of E-Commerce

Laudon’s E-Commerce 2016: Business, Technology, Society emphasizes three driving forces behind the expanding field of e-commerce: technology change, business development, and social issues A conceptual framework uses the templates of many modern-day companies to further demonstrate the differences and complexities in e-commerce today An in-depth investigation of companies such as Uber, Pinterest, and Apple kick-off the course while preparing students for real-life scenarios

In the Twelfth Edition, Laudon and Traver add new or update existing case studies to match developments in the e-commerce field as they exist in today’s tech world They built in additional video cases for each chapter, making the material even more accessible to students as they prepare for their future roles in business

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