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Collins Chinese Language and Culture

Collins Chinese Language and Culture

The language and culture of China: over 3,000 years of history, more than a billion inhabitants, and a country that stretches from the tundra to the tropics Surely it would take years of study to even scratch the surface of this subject Wrong!

Collins Chinese Language and Culture is a sharp and informative introduction to the complex subject of China’s language, history, culture and customs You’ll learn essential phrases, discover the origins of the Chinese writing system, and find out what constitutes a beautiful name in China Alongside chapters on modern China’s historical roots or the importance of certain numbers in Chinese culture, there are lessons about Chinese etiquette, how to haggle your way down a street market, and what to do in a restaurant

So whether as an accompaniment to studies or as a stand-alone guide, Collins Chinese Language and Culture gives you access to the life and language of this ancient empire and modern superpower in the making

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