
Bitcoin For Dummies

Bitcoin For Dummies

“Bitcoin For Dummies” is the fast, easy way to start trading crypto currency, with clear explanations and expert advice for breaking into this exciting new market Understanding the mechanisms and risk behind Bitcoin can be a challenge, but this book breaks it down into easy-to-understand language to give you a solid grasp of just where your money is going You’ll learn the details of Bitcoin trading, how to set up your Bitcoin wallet, and everything you need to get started right away An in-depth discussion on security shows you how to protect yourself against some of the riskier aspects of this open-source platform, helping you reduce your risks in the market and use Bitcoin safely and effectively

Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks, with transaction management and issuing of Bitcoins carried out collectively by the network Bitcoin allows easy mobile payments, fast international payments, low- or no-fee transactions, multi-signature capabilities, and more, but the nuances of the market can be difficult to grasp This informative guide lays it all out in plain English, so you can strengthen your understanding and get started now Understand the ins and outs of the Bitcoin market Learn how to set up your Bitcoin wallet Protect yourself against fraud and theft Get started trading this exciting new currency

The Bitcoin market is huge, growing quickly, and packed with potential There’s also some risk, so you need to go in fully informed and take steps to manage your risk wisely “Bitcoin For Dummies” is the clear, quick, easy-to-follow guide to getting started with Bitcoin

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