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100 Milestones in Chemistry (Tell Me Why #88)(gnv64)


– 100 Milestones in Chemistry (Tell Me Why )
– Nanotechnology (Tell Me Why )

The Midas touch of Chemistry!
One simple touch from him, and everything turned into gold! King Midas was the only man in mythology who knew the secret of alchemy
Ever since this story spread, Man spent countless sleepless nights He taxed his brain, day in and day out, and conduct umpteen experiments
However, these eager endeavours didn’t take him anywhere But this was, in fact, a blessing in disguise Thanks to these Herculean efforts, Man later made a tryst with chemistry And this changed his life from tip to toe
Chemistry itself has a Midas touch A cruise through its history is a fascinating experience Get ready to experience it, as this issue of Tell Me Why brings you a hundred milestones in chemistry

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