


– International Handbook Of Psychiatry – A Concise Guide For Medical Students, Residents, And Medical Practitioners
– Extraordinary Beliefs: A Historical Approach To A Psychological Problem
– Sigmund Freud’s Discovery Of Psychoanalysis: Conquistador And Thinker
– Advances In Virtual Reality And Anxiety Disorders
– The Development Of Implicit And Explicit Memory

Book 1 This handbook will be a concise guide to important topics in psychiatry with an international focus It constitutes a precis of the field of psychiatry with emphases on the therapeutic approach to the patient and on the proper diagnosis of major psychiatric disorders

All psychiatric diagnoses are encoded using both the US Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) and the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) Treatment options for psychiatric disorders will include approaches used in developed nations in North America, Europe, Asia, as well as in the developing world Furthermore an invaluable brief history of psychiatry allows readers to trace the beginnings of their chosen field and gain awareness of the ethical and legal contexts

This handbook will provide a comprehensive introduction to psychiatry appropriate for students, trainees, and practitioners seeking an international approach

Readership: Psychiatry students, trainees, and practitioners

Book 2 Since the early nineteenth century, mesmerists, mediums and psychics have exhibited extraordinary phenomena These have been demonstrated, reported and disputed by every modern generation We continue to wonder why people believe in such things, while others wonder why they are dismissed so easily Extraordinary Beliefs takes a historical approach to an ongoing psychological problem: why do people believe in extraordinary phenomena? It considers the phenomena that have been associated with mesmerism, spiritualism, psychical research and parapsychology By drawing upon conjuring theory, frame analysis and discourse analysis, it examines how such phenomena have been made convincing in demonstration and report, and then disputed endlessly It argues that we cannot understand extraordinary beliefs unless we properly consider the events in which people believe, and what people believe about them And it shows how, in constructing and maintaining particular beliefs about particular phenomena, we have been in the business of constructing ourselves

Book 3 Sigmund Freud’s discovery of psychoanalysis explores links between Freud’s development of his thinking and theory and his personal emotional journey It follows his early career as a medical student, researcher and neurologist, and then as a psychotherapist, to focus on the critical period 1895-1900 During these years Freud submitted himself to the process that has become known as his ‘self-analysis’, and developed the core of his psychoanalytic theory Drawing on Freud’s letters to his friend and confidant Wilhelm Fliess, and on selected psychoanalytic writings in particular his ‘dream of Irma’s injection’, Paul Schimmel formulates psychoanalytic dimensions to the biographical ‘facts’ of Freud’s life

In 1900 Freud wrote that he was ‘not a thinker’ but ‘a conquistador’ In reality he was both, and was engaged in a lifelong emotional struggle to bring these contradictory sides of his personality into relationship His psychoanalytic discoveries are conceptualized in the context of his need to achieve integration within his psyche, and in particular to forge a more creative collaboration between ‘conquistador’ and ‘thinker’

Sigmund Freud’s discovery of psychoanalysis will be of interest to psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists, academics and teachers of psychoanalysis, and to all serious students of the mind

Book 4 The interactive computer-generated world of virtual reality has been successful in treat­ing phobias and other anxiety-related conditions, in part because of its distinct advan­tages over traditional in vivo exposure Yet many clinicians still think of VR technology as it was in the 1990s–bulky, costly, technically difficult–with little knowledge of its evolution toward more modern, evidence-based, practice-friendly treatment

These updates, and their clinical usefulness, are the subject of Advances in Virtual Re­ality and Anxiety Disorders,a timely guidebook geared toward integrating up-to-date VR methods into everyday practice Introductory material covers key virtual reality concepts, provides a brief history of VR as used in therapy for anxiety disorders, ad­dresses the concept of presence, and explains the side effects, known as cybersickness, that affect a small percentage of clients Chapters in the book’s main section detail current techniques and review study findings for using VR in the treatment of:

· Claustrophobia
· Panic disorder, agoraphobia, and driving phobia
· Acrophobia and aviophobia
· Arachnophobia
· Social phobia
· Generalized anxiety disorder and OCD
· Plus clinical guidelines for establishing a VR clinic

An in-depth framework for effective (and cost-effective) therapeutic innovations for entrenched problems,Advances in Virtual Reality and Anxiety Disorders will find an engaged audience among psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and mental health counselors eractive

Book 5 This is the only book that examines the theory and data on the development of implicit and explicit memory It first describes the characteristics of implicit and explicit memory (including conscious recollection) and tasks used with adults to measure them Next, it reviews the brain mechanisms thought to underlie implicit and explicit memory and the studies with amnesics that initially prompted the search for different neuroanatomically-based memory systems Two chapters review the Jacksonian (first in, last out) principle and empirical evidence for the hierarchical appearance and dissolution of two memory systems in animal models (rats, nonhuman primates), children, and normal/amnesic adults Two chapters examine memory tasks used with human infants and evidence of implicit and explicit memory during early infancy Three final chapters consider structural and processing accounts of adult memory dissociations, their applicability to infant memory dissociations, and implications of infant data for current concepts of implicit and explicit memory (Series B)

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