
Modern Misogyny Anti-Feminism In A Post-Feminist Era


1 The Ethical Turn: Otherness and Subjectivity in Contemporary Psychoanalysis (2016)
2 Modern Misogyny: Anti-Feminism In A Post-Feminist Era (2014)
3 Plastic Materialities: Politics, Legality, and Metamorphosis in the Work of Catherine Malabou (2015)
4 The Wiley Handbook of Positive Clinical Psychology (2016)
5 Language and Manipulation in House of Cards: A Pragma-Stylistic Perspective (2016)

1 Levinas (1969) claims that “morality is not a branch of philosophy, but first philosophy” and if he is right about this, might ethics also serve as a first psychology? This possibility is explored by the authors in this volume who seek to bring the “ethical turn” into the world of psychoanalysis This phenomenologically rich and socially conscious ethics has taken centre stage in a variety of academic disciplines, inspired by the work of philosophers and theologians concerned with the moral fabric of subjectivity, human relationship, and socio-political life At the heart of this movement is a reconsideration of the other person, and the dangers created when the question of the “Other” is subsumed by grander themes

The authors showcased here represent the exceptional work being done by both scholars and practitioners working at the crossroads between psychology and philosophy in order to rethink the foundations of their disciplines The Ethical Turn: Otherness and subjectivity in contemporary psychoanalysis guides readers into the heart of this fresh and exciting movement and includes contributions from many leading thinkers, who provide fascinating new avenues for enriching our responses to suffering and understandings of human identity It will be of use to psychoanalysts, professionals in psychology, postgraduate students, professors and other academics in the field

2 Pundits and politicians often opine on the irrelevance of feminism and the women’s movement today Some commentators describe the state of feminism as “post-feminist,” alongside equally questionable claims of Barack Obama’s election as signaling a “post-racial” America Modern Misogyny examines contemporary anti-feminism in a “post-feminist” era It considers the widespread notion that the feminist movement has ended, in large part because the work of feminism has been completed In fact, the argument goes, women have been so successful in achieving equality, it is now men who currently are at risk of becoming irrelevant and unnecessary These sentiments make up modern anti-feminism Modern Misogyny argues that equality has not been fully achieved and that anti-feminism is now packaged in a more palatable, but stealthy form This book addresses the nature, function, and implications of modern anti-feminism in the United States

Modern Misogyny explores the landscape of popular culture and politics, emphasizing relatively recent moves away from feminist activism to individualism and consumerism where “self-empowerment” represents women’s progress It also explores the retreat to traditional gender roles after September 11, 2001 It interrogates the assumption that feminism is unnecessary, that women have achieved equality, and therefore those women who do insist on being feminists want to get ahead of men Finally, it takes a fresh look at the positive role that feminism plays in today’s “post-feminist” era, and how feminism does and might function in women’s lives

Post-feminist discourse encourages young women to believe that they were born into a free society, so if they experience discrimination, it is an individual, isolated problem that may even be their own fault Modern Misogyny examines that rendering of feminism as irrelevant and as the silencing and marginalizing of feminists Anderson calls for a revived feminism that is vigilant in combatting modern forms of sexism

3 Catherine Malabou’s concept of plasticity has influenced and inspired scholars from across disciplines The contributors to “Plastic Materialities”–whose fields include political philosophy, critical legal studies, social theory, literature, and philosophy–use Malabou’s innovative combination of post-structuralism and neuroscience to evaluate the political implications of her work They address, among other things, subjectivity, science, war, the malleability of sexuality, neoliberalism and economic theory, indigenous and racial politics, and the relationship between the human and non-human “Plastic Materialities” also includes three essays by Malabou and an interview with her, all of which bring her work into conversation with issues of sovereignty, justice, and social order for the first time Contributors Brenna Bhandar, Silvana Carotenuto, Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller, Jairus Victor Grove, Catherine Kellogg, Catherine Malabou, Renisa Mawani, Fred Moten, Alain Pottage, Michael J Shapiro, Alberto Toscano

4 Edited by the founder of the field, this is the first handbook on positive clinical psychology-a revolutionary approach that places equal importance on both the positive and negative aspects of mental health and well-being

The first handbook on positive clinical psychology, a revolutionary approach that places equal importance on the positive and negative aspects of mental health and well-being
Brings together new work from authorities in positive psychology and clinical psychology to offer an integrated examination of well-being as it relates to personality, psychopathology, psychological treatments, and more
Discusses theory, research, and practice across a broad range of topics such as optimism, positive affect, well-being therapy, childhood well-being, evolutionary perspectives, and clinical implementation
Contains essential information for researchers, instructors and practitioners in clinical psychology, positive psychology, mental health, and well-being in general

The Wiley Handbook of Positive Clinical Psychology is the first handbook to address a revolutionary psychological approach that places equal importance on the positive and negative aspects of mental health and well-being With consideration of theory, research, and practice, it offers an integrated look at well-being as it relates to personality traits, psychopathology, psychological treatments, and more Experts from both positive and clinical psychology critique their fields through the lens of positive clinical psychology, and discuss a broad range of topics such as optimism, positive affect, wellbeing therapy, childhood well-being, clinical implementation and integration, evolutionary perspectives, and economic implications Filled with essential information for researchers, instructors and clinicians, this is the definitive reference for an important new field

About the Author
Alex M Wood is Professor and Director of the Behavioral Science Centre at Stirling Management School, University of Stirling, UK He is also Honorary Professor in the School of Psychological Sciences at the University of Manchester, UK He is credited with founding positive clinical psychology, and he has published more than 100 papers related to well-being in leading journals across psychology, medicine, and economics He guest edited the special issue of Clinical Psychology Review that first introduced positive clinical psychology to the mainstream

Judith Johnson is a Clinical Psychologist and Lecturer at the University of Leeds and the Bradford Institute of Health Research, UK Her research is focused on understanding and supporting the development of wellbeing and resilience, and how this can be applied in healthcare settings to improve treatments and service delivery She is co-editor of Case Formulation in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: The Treatment of Challenging and Complex Cases (second edition, 2015)

5 Encompasses stylistic analysis of the House of Cards from the perspective of discourse and dialogue exchanges
Considers the socio-cultural context in which the series was created and the specificities of the TV medium
Exposes the strategies of interpersonal manipulation involving language use by key characters in the series

This book is to date the first monograph-length study of the popular American political TV series House of Cards It proposes an encompassing analysis of the first three seasons from the unusual angles of discourse and dialogue The study of the stylistic idiosyncrasies of the ruthless main protagonist, Frank Underwood, is completed by a pragmatic and cognitive approach exposing the main characters’ manipulative strategies to win over the other Taking into account the socio-cultural context and the specificities of the TV medium, the volume focuses on the workings of interaction as well as the impact of the direct address to the viewer The book critically uses the latest theories in pragmatics and stylistics in its attempt at providing a pragma-rhetorical theory of manipulation

Number of Illustrations and Tables
3 b/w illustrations, 11 illustrations in colour
Cognitive Linguistics
Film and Television Studies
Media Research

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